1. Top quality
We guarantee the preservation of product quality after long-term storage. At the end of a blast-chilled product storage period, the product loses taste, color and odor. For the same time period, a product that has been frozen with AEF retains the taste, color and smell of a fresh product.
2. Performance
We guarantee the performance of the chamber specified in the technical specification.
3. Reduced time
Acoustic freezing works 15% faster than any other system and consumes 15% less energy.
4. Even lower energy costs!
By switching to freezing at -26°C, we consume 25% less electricity. The freezing equipment has a 30% reduction in cost.
5. The warranty period for the entire set is THREE years, and can be extended up to 5 years
6. Verifiable and measurable results
We provide special measuring equipment to audit the results of the AEF acoustic freezer. The customer will receive complete performance data with a minute by minute chart of temperature reduction throughout the entire chamber.
7. 100% money-back guarantee
If the parameters specified in the contract are not achieved or the freezing results do not match the samples, we will refund all money under the contract.
Advantage 1. Outcome.
Before you sign a contract with our company, we offer you to do freezing and defrosting tests with your samples in our laboratory.
These tests take place according to the following algorithm:
The client’s representative brings in samples of their products in a packed form with the date of the test on the package.
AEF freezes your product samples on its equipment under the most appropriate AEF conditions and keeps them in its custody.
After a pre-determined time (we recommend 3 months), in the presence of the client, in our laboratory, we defrost the samples, compare the result of the freezing in different modes and evaluate the quality.
Thus, the clients will have an accurate evaluation of the results of freezing and thawing of THEIR products.
Advantage 2. Performance guarantee.
We guarantee that the freezers made by us provide exactly that capacity which is stated in the contract. The wording in the contract may be as follows: "The supplier guarantees that at least 95% of the produce placed in the freezer will reach a center temperature of -18°C in 3 hours and 20 minutes."
Special computer algorithms to control the speed and air pressure in the chamber ensure the same freezing rate throughout the entire volume of the chamber.
We suggest to include in the construction cost estimate the creation of a project on digital modeling of aerodynamic properties of your new acoustic freezing chamber, which will display everything visually.
Before signing the Act of Acceptance, we audit your chamber with measurements of temperature values in different points of the chamber with the provision of graphs of temperature changes in the group of control points. The audit confirms that the performance of the freezing chamber complies with the contractual conditions.
Different freezing rates in different parts of the chamber result in lower overall chamber efficiency and a proportional increase in the cost of freezing each kilogram of product.
Suppliers of blast chambers usually have neither the appropriate knowledge nor the appropriate software (provided with active and passive models of the internal elements of the chamber), which leads to more than a twofold loss in output of the constructed chamber than specified in the specification for the freezing equipment.
For example, the client pays for a freezer which yields 20 tons of product per day to a temperature of -18°C from the initial +5°C. However, in fact, these values will reach only 20% - 30% of the products in the chamber, which will be located in those places where the air flow rate and pressure is accidentally sufficient.
All the rest of the products will be refrozen already in the warehouse. The factory technologist will be faced with a choice: to freeze in accordance with technology all the products (but it will take twice as much time) or accept the fact that half of the products will be frozen in static cold and will lose their quality dramatically, while losses will increase many times.
Advantage 3. Time and energy.
Our chambers have a high freezing rate due to the following factors:
The mass of frozen water that is generated by acoustic waves is 30% less than uncontrolled (shock) freezing. At the same time it takes 15% less time and consumes 15% less electricity.
Uniformity of air flow and pressure distribution guarantees the projected output efficiency.
Advantage 4. Reduced carbon footprint and an additional reduction in energy consumption.
AEF Acoustic Freezing technology, through the use of special modulated acoustic waves, regulates crystal growth and chemical composition in the product, making it unnecessary to use a freezing temperature of -35°C.
Quality is determined by the waves, not by the increased freezing rate.
Acoustic freezing ensures the same quality results both at -26°C in the chamber and at -36°C. However, -26°C equipment costs 30% less than -36°C equipment for the same capacity. Additionally, the power consumption is 25% less.
We should also add to the advantage of low electricity consumption the reduction of costs for the purchase of connected capacity, reducing the price of transformers.
By switching to freezing from -35°C to -26°C, the energy savings allow to renew all freezing equipment after 8 years.
Advantage 5. Warranty Period.
The standard warranty period for all the equipment we supply, including the freezer, is THREE years. Extended warranty is FIVE years.
Advantage 6. Verifiable results.
We provide customers with a special set of measuring equipment, which allows you to measure the cooling rate and record a minute-by-minute graph in a computer.
Advantage 7. Accountability.
If the chamber does not achieve any of the parameters prescribed in the specification (agreed with the client) and/or the products in the output does not correspond to the control test sample - WE WILL REFUND 100% of the CONTRACT AMOUNT.