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Strawberries and raspberries after acoustic freezing

The AEF team sent several containers to Europe for freezing berries.

Our chief engineer, Dmitriy Balabolin, traveled to the site to fine-tune AEF's freezing modes required for freezing local berry varieties and to identify which varieties will retain their ideal condition after defrosting.

The acoustic freezing technology has developed standard programs for freezing various types of products. However, each program can be additionally adjusted for the specific product and its characteristics in a particular region.

As you can see, different berry varieties have different qualities after freezing.

After hours of meticulous work, it became evident that the best preservation of structure after freezing was achieved with the Murano strawberry variety, while for raspberries, it was the Margaretta variety.

Additionally, the highest structure preservation results were shown by the Vivara, Portola, and Rumba strawberry varieties, and for raspberries, the Poranek variety.

The Acoustic Freezing Technology is the only one in the world that allows adjusting the freezing mode not only according to the specific variety of the product but also taking into account the growing conditions of that variety in a particular location on the globe.



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